3 things to do with your partner during lock-down

Haritha Kothapalem
3 min readApr 9, 2020


Lock-down Love

The 3 words that keep ringing our ears in the recent times : Corona , Lock-down, Quarantine.

To keep it simple, let me first put across what is corona and how is it being spread. Corona is a virus and it is spread through droplets. Some of the common mediums of transmission include touching a surface with virus on it and touching your eyes, nose, mouth or even close physical contact with a person infected with this virus. Incubation period for this virus is between 1–14 days. Symptoms include fever, cough and difficulty in breathing. Best preventive measures include washing hands regularly, staying at home, covering nose and mouth while coughing and maintaining hygienic surroundings.

How is lock-down controlling the spread?

This virus spreads very rapidly from person to person and social distancing is the best possible way to control this epidemic. There are 4 stages identified for these kinds of diseases

Stage 1 : The virus is prominent only in the foreign bodies or in the people who had a travel history

Stage 2 : It gets spread to the people in the close proximity like family and friends of the infected person

Stage 3 : People get infected through unknown sources and identifying the cause will be difficult

Stage 4 : The disease spreads to majority of the population increasing the number of deaths all over the country and then stops the growth.

Through lock-down we are preventing the person to person contact in all possible ways there by avoiding any minute chances of the virus advancement

Why is quarantine essential?

Like the way lockdown avoids contact with people, quarantine avoids contact with the infected person. Here we restrict the spread of the disease by placing the people who are suspicious of the infection.

You will be at a risk of exposure to new corona virus when :

You have travelled from any other country or from place to place during the virus spread.

You have met someone confirmed with COVID-19

You were at a very close contact with people with symptoms of COVID-19

Self-quarantine is the best way to stay out of danger in these scenarios along with taking few precautionary measures by staying at home and staying hygiene

For any other newly married couple like ours who would love to have a trip or move around with each other, this lockdown has got the best moments to understand each other and spend some quality time. It is time when you both don’t have an option to escape from each other or rather go sit with your friends and take opinions about your partner.

3 things I noticed that is making our bond grow stronger day by day through lock-down is :

1. We are no longer with a facility to share our feelings with a third person and hence we sit, we fight, we discuss and we solve : a better understanding is being built between us in less time

2. We stay with our family and hence we cannot stay angry with each other for a longer period and it is becoming our way of life. We forgive each other easily

3. We are practicing better ways to stay healthy by applying the same principles as there isn’t much provision to try different things as per our choices

So, I realized the three things that anyone can try with their partner is to share your feelings without hesitations, keep in touch with family and lastly to try what your partner asks for though your choice is different. You might necessarily not like everything that they choose but you will realize what is important for each other.

This lock-down helped us grow close at ease, how about you?



Haritha Kothapalem

Author of Amazon best seller "Discover your untold self",motivational speaker,reiki healer, NLP practitioner