Art of proposing love the right way

Haritha Kothapalem
2 min readJan 21, 2022


All that every human ever needs is love. Who can deny the fact that being loved is something you always crave for. We might have various goals, tasks, and things to conquer in life but every person or rather every living being needs some love to stay strong, stay happy and stay fulfilled. Definition of love varies from person to person and when one doesn’t receive love the way they expect all the internal conflicts begin.

Let us look at the example of a mother and a toddler. The mother expectation of toddler love is to listen to her and abide by her words and for the kid, his mom loves him only when she buys/gifts him everything that he likes. Love between two teenagers is shown in their personal interest to spend time together and effort spent in understanding the wants or the interests of the other person. There are no strings attached in the above-mentioned love and the expectation set is clear and evident and hence there is dopamine rush while experiencing these wonderful moments.

Talking about the love between partners, it depends on multiple factors and situations. Marriage feels like an adventurous journey with surprises every day. As soon as the couple conclude in one situation, a new situation arises. Its never like you have learnt or understood your partner completely. For a moment, you think letting go is love and other times you think hanging around no matter what, is love. You might want to express love to your partner in the best way you can show and all that might mean nothing to your partner and vice versa.

Nothing can ever change the fact of opinion differences between partners but all that you can do to express your love is to sometimes embrace their mistakes and wait until they realize what you are looking for. Will certainly feel irritating, anxious and blood boiling to hold back that emotion but trust me that one moment of silence will build an unbreakable trust and respect in your partners soul when the realization happens and that day the love you experience from your partner will be the exact kind of love you picturized about your soulmate.



Haritha Kothapalem

Author of Amazon best seller "Discover your untold self",motivational speaker,reiki healer, NLP practitioner