This lockdown, earn money from home with zero investment

Haritha Kothapalem
4 min readApr 16, 2020


Sounds interesting right? Everyone would like to earn money. Some earn their livelihood by hard work and others through smart work. Some do physical activity and some pop their brain to work but in the end we all look for the proper price to be paid for our efforts. We often hear from people “Money isn’t everything“ but isn’t it a fact that “Everything needs money”. Its absolutely true when people say money cannot buy happiness but again money is capable of buying things that give you happiness.

Keeping all these in mind, I started in search of options to earn. One way I can earn is through my job but until when? Is it secure? Specially in a condition like this where we are in, we never know until when a firm will need our services. Also, Considering the growth trend towards automation of every possible work, what next bigger step can we take to have some money in hand? The next immediate thought that stuck my mind was a business. I will become a business owner, get money through VC or angle investors and be my own boss. A very classy statement to be declared but the amount of ground work and hard work it requires can never be put in words. Now, what next? Can I reach the public and do something or go out and look for what I need? Oops…”If you are out, You are out” is the caption I see in the news channels due this corona effect and lockdown.

I kept trying and searching different websites and portals since I had to stay home the only time killer being browsing the internet. Luckily I was able to relate myself to these 6 ideas that I can try from home and make some income with no investment at all except for a little time. I tried these and it worked in my case. I am happy to share these to all so that someone who would like to have some lime light on the possible ways to earn from home will start trying.

1. Investing in a Health cover plan

We would have never imagined a situation like this to be faced. Infact, no one was prepared to see the mankind locked in their homes to live and keep them safe. There are many other factors to be considered about your family if you are not alone. Buying a proper health cover plan will not only keep your family financially secure but will also give you a confidence about your future and how to survive.

I found a plan more beneficial and will talk about its details in my upcoming article

2. Install an expenses tracker

Now that you have no option to go out, you will not incur any additional expenses or spends on luxury. The expenses on the basic needs can be tracked at ease and the expenses that go unnoticed every month can be sorted with your partner. Plan to move a small portion of it to your savings

Walnut is one app that I found more useful for this purpose and I think this lockdown will give you a perfect space to manage your expenses

3. Get all your tax related paper work managed and closed

Many due to work pressure and lots of other commitments would have never really spent some time to understand the tax benefits and the way to manage their income in a proper way. Sit back with your Charted Accountant and understand the benefits you can reap and get all your basic paper work completed.

4. Sell your old unused products

Full time at home and there is plenty of space to see what is required and what is not. Try gathering stuff in your home that are no longer in use and bid them in OLX or Ebay. Move out the old products from home and make some space along with a little income that you think is the product worth.

Some of the best websites are secondhandmall, OLX, Listup, Zefo, Tradly, Quikr

5. Give away your unused old books

I know it is something hard for the book lovers but if you find your home flooded with books including textbooks and novels just scan the book barcode and quote a price for your book Sell them at ease online without even the hustle for delivery and shipping.

Few sites for selling your books are We Buy Books and Music Magpie

6. Sell your own products

If you are someone good with DIY crafts or if you know the art of making hand made products that everyone would like to buy, then here is a place for you to earn some money for your skillset. Prepare the products and below mentioned are few sites where your products can be sold.

· Sell Online on Flipkart

· Amazon Seller Central

· Sell Products Online on

· Paytm Marketplace Sign Up

These were few ways I discovered at home during the first lockdown phase and let me see what more will be coming up in this second level of lockdown 😊



Haritha Kothapalem

Author of Amazon best seller "Discover your untold self",motivational speaker,reiki healer, NLP practitioner